April 6, 2021


With the gradually easing public health restrictions enacted early in January, several colleges and universities are looking forward to welcoming students back in person and on campus. At Gateway College, we remain committed to returning to a full on-campus, in-person learning experience for all students during the 2022 term. We will be starting the year by introducing a new program for the students, the Diploma in Business Management, and offering new promotions now available to apply. Here the students can save $2,022 on tuition for all the healthcare programs and receive up to 10,000 scholarships for Diploma in Business Management. We also plan to offer great opportunities for those students who show interest in Healthcare or Business management by studying and getting certificates in the field. In the coming months, we will be offering more courses and programs, which is something to expect. To enlighten you about our latest schedule, we have listed five changes you can expect in 2022. 1. More delivery options for the students to enroll in this specific period of time. 2. Affordable tuition fees for the students to pursue their aspirations. 3. The college will provide students with more feasible options for taking language remote assessments. 4....
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