BC Care Aide Requirements


When building a career as a Health Care Assistant (HCA), it is vital to have a strong foundation with the right education. As a result, before choosing a health care assistant training college, you must ask as many questions as possible to learn precisely what their educational and training programs have to offer. At Gateway College, we specialize in several healthcare training programs and want to arm you with accurate information about them so you can make the right choice for your career. To do this, we’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions about the Gateway College programs. 1. Does Gateway College offer online and in-class instructions? Yes, at Gateway College, we offer online and in-class instructions for most of our programs. 2. How much is the application fee at Gateway College? The application fee for domestic students is $250, while for international students, the fee is $300. 3. Does Gateway College offer payment in installments? Yes, we have various installment packages for both international and domestic students. 4. What is the duration of a program? Our program durations usually range from twenty-four weeks to two-years, depending on the program selected. 5. What are the requirements for HCA at Gateway College?...
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If you’re looking for a job that offers you security and the satisfaction of helping others, considering a career as a health care assistant is a great idea. Health care assistant professionals are in huge demand across Canada due to the significant number of elderly. Similarly, as the younger generation is occupied with intense work schedules and household chores, taking care of their sick, disabled, and aging loved ones becomes a big challenge. This translates to a high demand for health care assistance, which means consistent job opportunities and appropriate pay for this occupation. Besides these benefits, becoming a health care provider allows you to explore the medical field and exercise your desire to help those in need. In case you’re interested in taking up a career as a full-time health care assistant, Gateway College has listed the fundamental requirements to join this field, and how we prepare people for the job. Education and courses Applicants for a course in health care assistance must be at least nineteen years of age before the start of the study period or must be graduated from grade twelve or an equivalent course. They must also provide proof of meeting the English language competency requirement. This...
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